Training During Lockdown – The Sequel.

Hannah, Toby, Maisie-Joy, Rob and Caleb.
I had quite a positive response to last week’s articles on training under lockdown. I also had an excellent response to my request for further such stories. This being the case I’ve decided to repeat last week’s format with more of your stories of training under lockdown. Please keep them coming.

We start off with a fabulous item on the U13’s pentathlon competition.

There’s an item on my trip to the newly reopened Pingles Stadium track in Nuneaton.

This is followed by numerous training stories from members young and not so young. As was the case last week, the following quotes tell their own story.

“This club, SAC has continued to give us purpose, friendship, encouragement and competition. For that I and the family are blessed.”

“I really really miss Monday night track group!”

“One thing that has definitely had a positive effect is the support and friendly rivalry within the club”

“I certainly miss the camaraderie of the weekly Thursday and Saturday training.”

” I am very much looking forward to seeing all my friends back at the club and training with them instead when it is possible!”

“I am looking forward to more sessions each week, and even better if I can get back to training at Stratford alongside my friends.”

“It’s been great as always being part of the club”

“It’s been hard as well not seeing my friends at track”

Finally, excitement is at fever pitch as the deadline for completion of the Shakespeare Summer Solstice Races draws ever closer. Many many thanks to David Smyth for his regular updates.

This is the link for the results to date:

Best wishes

David Jones

Budding Pentathletes – SAC style.
From the top : Martha Edwards, Ruby Edwards and Ella Peake.
Under 13 Pentathlon Day.

From Lucy, Paivi, Cait and Elaine.

We are up early, dressed in sports kit. Stratford AC vest and trainers on, excitement building!! Equipment gathered… but not the usual stuff! No spikes today…. Instead a family pack of loo rolls, 3 pairs of socks rolled up, tape measure, a towel and the washing basket!

Yes it’s the Under 13 Pentathlon day!

The U13 coaches have been challenging our athletes to a variety of events, all garden based and requiring items easily found at home. The Pentathlon can be completed at any time to suit individuals and results emailed in to the coaches.

Starting with warm ups and drills on lawns of all sizes, we then move onto the events.

For the first Pentathlon we covered all the events that our athletes know and love. Vertical jump against the side of the house. Standing Long jump on the lawn. Shuttle run within a 5m marked area. Target throw with rolled up socks into washing baskets. Speed Bounce over a rolled up towel.

The second Pentathlon was inspired by Paul’s fun games at the end of the Club Champs. Challenging events but highly competitive! This is where the toilet rolls come into their own!

We started off following Jenny Meadows, World and European 800m medalist, with her home based challenges. These can be found on the England Athletics website.

Toilet roll tucks.

Lay down and mark out your height with a loo roll, then place another 10cm further away and a third another 10cm. Standing at the base line, the challenge is to knock them over by crawling out on your hands (no knees!). Can you do all 3?

Standing Long Jump Leaping.

Mark out 8m95 (official long jump record) and see how many standing long jumps needed to reach the end.

Bear crawl.

A toilet roll balancing challenge… Loved by the whole family especially dogs! Using the same distance as above, bear crawl whilst balancing a loo roll on your back. Cushelle worked better than Andrex for this and a good, broad back! Our resident u11 (Martha) had a good technique but uncooperative shoulder blades!


Another Jenny Meadows event to test flexibility. Sit on the floor, legs scissored and a tape measure from the top of the knee cap to feet. Measure how far you can stretch?

Finally the event we’ve all been waiting for….

High Jump

A highly competitive event where wind direction and wind speed are a game changer! Start off with 8 toilet rolls and using a standing jump try to clear them… Gradually build the stack and involve a short run up. See how many you can clear?! Hurdling style is recommended, but as Ruby showed, all technique can get forgotten when the competition gets serious… She’s at 13 rolls so far…

Note… If your dog runs off with a toilet roll, then once retrieved it will no longer stack properly! Also all rolls in our bathrooms are now green stained or badly damaged but thankfully we are not having any visitors!!!

Finally after the competitions there’s a stretching/ cool down session and not forgetting after event analysis during dinner time!

U13’s and parents can find us on Facebook u13SUAAC and don’t forget to send us your images!

Lucy, Paivi, Cait and Elaine

Spikes, club vest and a running track. I was one Happy Bunny on Tuesday at The Pingles Stadium.
Back on Track.

Report – David Jones.

As a self confessed track addict I was beyond excited when Paula Williams informed me at the weekend that they had reopened the track at The Pingles Stadium in Nuneaton.

I immediately booked a couple of sessions.

The sessions have to be pre-booked and cost £3 for 75 minutes. There are very strict guidelines and the sessions seem to be limited to about 12 -15 athletes.

I’m almost embarrassed to say how excited I. The best analogy I can think is the excitement I used to feel as a young child on Christmas Eve night.

Sad or what ?

After an exchange of emails with Paul Hawkins, we decided on a session of 8 x 400m at my 1600, pace with 2 minute recoveries.

I was also aware of the fact that Paul Bearman had told me that athletes have to be very careful as they transition back to track running.

Anyway, I did my 4 warm up laps and there I was having my own Virtual Monday night track session only without the banter, without the likes of Matt and Alex going past me every 2 or 3 laps and without Rob’s jokes ! Win some, lose some I guess.

I loved it. It was fabulous, Mind you, as someone who has done nearly all of his lockdown running on a treadmill, it wasn’t easy. I did manage my 8 x 400s but a 9th would have been a struggle.

If any of you want to book, the link is below but do take it easy if you decide to go.

Toby, Maisie-Joy and Hannah.

Training in Lockdown!

Hannah Osborne

As a family of high energy, running, cycling, outdoorsy people, lockdown has been…interesting shall we say.

Having just started to feel like I was recovering from my hamstring tear whilst racing in January this year, in the first week of lockdown I was pushed off my bike whilst out for my exercise fix. As well as being sore, this was a major knock to my confidence. Getting out there to exercise now felt scary and unnerving.

Working from home and home schooling 3 children from 3 different schools meant I was craving an outlet and those exercise endorphins to keep me sane!

I needed to get out and get some confidence back, I didn’t want those who took something from me to win. So as a family we went out walking….long walks! Discovering new footpaths and trails around Bidford. Most weeks we have gone for a 7-9 mile walk plus shorter ones, seen lots of animals and talked A LOT about Star Wars and Marvel (not my area of expertise).

I needed to get back running and Maisie-Joy, always one for company, would go out running early with me in the morning before work and schooling. While everyone else slept we slowly plodded round Bidford for 3 miles. This has become a regular thing and has helped me get back out.

Since then the Shakespeare Virtual races being put on has given me a great reason to get out and compete. Not being in the shape I would like, it was the motivation to say ‘I can and I will’ and I’m grateful I can.

Then the task was getting the kids involved-all SAC members!! For me going out it involved bringing the younger 2…. MJ running with me and Toby on his bike. Toby shouting encouragement as we ran, as well as pushing him up any inclines we came to. The opportunity to wear our SAC vests as a family has felt great.

With the bike races being added to the Virtual races I have got all our bikes out, passed them down between the 3 as they’ve grown, and we’ve got out as a family cycling.

Something I am so grateful for during this time is the precious time we have spent doing things together as a family. The buzz from us all after a race effort, sharing the experience and pushing ourselves beyond what we thought possible.

Caleb has found a new motivation for Strava segment hunting….Bidford, he’s hunting ya down!

Getting out is always a battle but the focus and reward is great. Added motivation of track friends out there going for times and virtual races, encouraging each other with Strava messages – a camaraderie from afar, what I love about SAC.

We’ve seen the garden transform in growth and colour and be used as the backdrop for many stretch and circuit style session put on by Rob. Some of which involved the rest of the family chilling in the (large) paddling pool….it was hot!

Last month was the club virtual 5 mile race….route planned, focus tuned….”kids lets run to x point and back!”……”erm, why”…..”I need to run 5 miles and submit a time”…..Toby cycled, got pushed up any incline, Maisie-Joy flew along beside me, I got told regularly to keep going and I felt sick…. Toby told me I was doing well, MJ said I ran too quick up the hills. We finished at the park in Bidford, me splatted on the floor, the kids desperate to go home and ‘get on’ with the day. Oh to be young.

This month has seen Caleb doing the speed sessions on Robs 10k plan in the week. The older 2 have joined in Wednesday night circuits, with much giggling in the background. Stretching is still being encouraged, but minimal.

This last weekend saw a family outing to complete the SAC mile challenge. Warm up done to the start. Usual toilet stops on the way, shoes re-tightened, clothes changed, watch GPS found and re-found….no putting it off….lets go. Well, Rob flew, Caleb waited for GPS……………then went…. MJ and I next, Toby behind on the bike shouting at MJ that she was too far ahead of me, then ….after some reassurance that we were at the back he told me I was doing well. We finished. Over 2 minutes slower than my fastest ever mile, last in the family. Super proud of what the family went out and did.

We all went out and raced. We took part. We came home buzzing. We ached, compared times, looked at other club friends and how we compared. We were proud. We are a part of a bigger picture.

This club, SAC has continued to give us purpose, friendship, encouragement and competition. For that I and the family are blessed.

Matt Burdus-Cook and Alex Hill.
Matt Burdus-Cook
From a running perspective, lockdown has resulted in a number of upsides and learnings for me that have far outweighed any negative impact.

I thought I’d share what these are, as it maybe paints a picture of just how much running seems to always be a constant positive for me and why being a member of this club helps me so much.

To begin with, I was a little concerned that my normal busy race diary was now empty. When I go for a run, I am usually always thinking of my next road race, track event or club league race, and I found myself heading out with no “next thing” in mind. I was worried that I might feel a lack of purpose in my runs, but it actually helped me reconnect with the simple joy of just heading out and enjoying a run. As a result I have found that my training distances and pace have naturally increased simply because I am not over-thinking my training and just enjoying myself.

Whilst the lack of organised race events had some short term benefits for me, I was conscious that I may be losing some racing pace, so the virtual Shakespeare events have been a welcome addition to my monthly schedule.

I have really enjoyed the challenge of getting out and running hard alone. My closest club competitors are generally speeding up at a faster rate than me, so it has been a great motivator to train hard to try and move my own pace forward. As a result I am racing faster than I have done before thanks to the healthy and friendly competition and the excitement of each 2 week virtual race period.

My final reflection is the benefit of the different focus for our scheduled coaching.

I’ve been able to move my running times forward gradually over my 2 and a half years at the club by turning up to Monday night track sessions and Wednesday coached sessions pretty much every week. These sessions work really well for me. Monday night track group in particular and the monthly hills session with the same group are the main factors (alongside a bit of focus on my diet, flexibility and rest) that move my fitness and running speed forward.

I miss these sessions a lot, but the stretch and resistance sessions put on remotely by Rob in their place have helped me work on some weaker areas of my overall condition, which again seems to be having benefits. That said,I really really miss Monday night track group!

So there are plenty of things that have been different during lockdown that will probably form part of my own “new normal” from a running and training perspective whenever that may happen.

I’ve enjoyed some variety in my training, and a bit of rest, but also realise just how much the running club always has something we can be involved in. I’ve also really enjoyed helping out as best I can with the Virtual Shakespeare races. It’s been nice to put a bit of time into giving a small contribution back to the club that gives me so much in return!

There are glimpses of running normality returning. I got out for my first Ilmington trail run, keeping 2 meters away from Alex Hill at the weekend, which was really enjoyable, and reminded me of the Wednesday night club runs from there last year which were awesome. I hope that we are able to do some of those soon, but I also hope that I don’t forget the good bits of training and racing under lockdown.

Richard Liggett with his pre-lockdown haircut!
Richard Liggett.
A few people have been asking me what I’ve been doing during lockdown as I seem to have been posting a few PBs.

I definitely feel a bit quicker but it has been difficult to pinpoint where my improvements have come from. I’ve managed to increase my overall mileage to around 50km per week due to the time saved on commuting and the lack of other social activities usually going on.

My diet has improved since my wife has taken up cooking whilst on furlough (although the healthy home cooked food is probably balanced out by all the cakes she is making!).

I was disappointed that many of the races I’d planned to compete in were postponed to later in the year, but it has given me the chance to get into a consistent and regular training routine. Getting some lighter weight training shoes that haven’t got over 1000 miles in them and the streamlined lockdown haircut also seem to be a factor.

One thing that has definitely had a positive effect is the support and friendly rivalry within the club.

Rob’s advice that I need to work on landing as quietly as possible (You can still hear me coming long before you can see me, but hopefully it no long longer sounds like Godzilla is around the corner!) may have made a difference. Trying to keep up with the likes of Adrian Mason and Adam Evans who have both posted some huge times in the Shakespeare races, has given me the confidence and belief that I can go faster myself. And how can I forget the impromptu Clifford Chambers Segment Championships with Alex Hill (I make it 8-6 to Alex at the moment, not that I’m counting….).

The atmosphere and camaraderie around the club has grown significantly since the lockdown started and it’s been great fun to watch the results coming in for the club races and the WRRL.

Over the next few months I don’t really have a plan, other than to keep training as I am and see where it takes me.

My wife is expecting our first child in September so the real lockdown starts in a few months time! Hopefully it won’t have too much impact on my training for when the races start back up… but I wouldn’t count on it!”

Cameron and Gigi Thomas.
Cameron and Gigi Thomas.
Lockdown has been hard on all of us and I, for one, certainly miss the camaraderie of the weekly Thursday and Saturday training.

After a brief spell of pneumonia a couple of months ago I had to progress slowly back into regular training. I started off lockdown cycling on our indoor turbo trainer or doing indoor workouts before I started running again.

I now run around the block almost every day, increasing the distance every so often. Gigi also combines running and indoor cycling to stay fit. We like to do some interval training to keep up the speed as well as ensuring that our endurance is maintained.

Once permitted, our family also started to go on long walks a few times a week, such as up the Malvern Hills. It certainly was nice to take the time to enjoy the Welcombe Hills for once.

As the lockdown restrictions are slowly eased, we look forward to being able to return back to our normal training routine.

We hope that everyone is staying safe and we look forward to seeing you all when we are able to!

Left to right : Cole and Paula Williams, Elaine Ledden, Brian, Charlotte and Harry Gravelsons.
Paula Williams.
Six Stratford athletes braved hail and wind to bounce along on the new Pingles track on Saturday afternoon.

After a quite scary journey being battered by hail stones and warming up in the downpour, we ventured onto the shiny new blue track.

It was wonderful to don spikes again.

Elaine, warmed up, drills, some hurdles flexibility and then finished with some blistering 40,60, 80 pyramids.

Cole really enjoyed stretching his legs after missing the regular sprint work of training. After some pop overs he did some bend running and managed to fit in some staggered sprint chases before cooling down.

I was giddy with the excitement of running on the track.

The track! A brand new track! Spikes! Spikes on a brand new track! You get the picture.

Warm up, accelerators and a few 80m sprints. I followed that with some hurdle flexibility with Elaine and the spent some time being chased down by Cole – even though I had a whopping great big start. I even managed to run out over two hurdles 3 times.

The photo attached was at the end of the session when we decided to take a socially distanced team photo.

Well done Pingles. We approve.

Happy training and stay safe SAC.

Charlotte Gravelsons.
Harry Gravelsons.

Gravelsons’ Lockdown Training

A view from Brian

We managed lockdown with a weekly timetable right from the outset. The timetable was based around training, fitting in (school) work, meals and general entertainment. Doing the same thing week in week out never seemed to get dull.

The good part was seeing our times progress, the downside I guess was letting our bodies get used to the training by not doing a variety of exercises or really mixing it up. Our training schedule, 400m focused, looks something like this:

Monday – Floor exercises and/or Pilates

Tuesday – 3 x 2 x 200m intervals up Marriage hill

Wednesday – Core work-out / weights & Charlotte fitted in a fartlek 2-3 miler

Thursday – 3 x 400m “round the block” at 80-90% and med ball routine

Friday – Rest day (Brian), Pilates (Charlotte & Harry)

Saturday – 2 mile conditioning run (including Marriage hill (twice))

Sunday – replicate track training as best we can (usually grass running at Dugdale, including discus and javelin). Of course there is always shot put in the garden too.

I really enjoyed seeing the times fall for the conditioning run over the weeks. Everyone took at least one minute off their time from beginning of week 1 to now.

I can’t believe how fit I have become and perhaps too fit, thinking I could run 5 miles in the wonderfully organised Shakespeare races. More fool me. I injured my foot and have had to just do floor exercises for the last two weeks, with probably another 2 to 4 weeks to come. C’est la vie. I know my long distance limit is now probably 5km!

All the hard work has already started to pay off. With lockdown easing, we were able to book a training session at the newly refurbished Pingles Stadium on the first Saturday in June, where we also saw Paula, Cole and Elaine!

Happy days are on their way back indeed. Charlotte and Harry were able to do a 400m time trial so see where they were at. Harry managed an impressive 58.0s, a huge (unofficial of course) personal best, with Charlotte metronomic as she paced herself to a delightful unofficial personal best of 64.5s. They then followed this up with a mile run to count in the Mayor’s Magic Mile.

A view from Charlotte

Being a heptathlete and enjoying pretty much every event in track and field, I have really missed the variety of training that would usually take place during the summer months at the club.

However, we have been extremely fortunate to be in a position where we have still had plenty available to do, including many of the throwing and sprint events.

Although I was particularly looking forward to training for the 100m hurdles as I have moved up an age group, which we have been unable to really do, but perhaps now I can focus more on hurdling at Pingles Stadium in the coming weeks.

I have also been lucky enough to have two great training partners, however, I am very much looking forward to seeing all my friends back at the club and training with them instead when it is possible! Alongside this, I especially look forward to getting back to volunteering with the U11 age group, who I hope are all well, and keeping up their training too.

A view from Harry

I was so excited for the 2020 season, and I was really looking forward to beating all my PBs, especially improving my time in the 400m. Then as the competitions were called off, one by one, it appeared inevitable that 2020 may become the season that never was.

This has had the effect of making me even more determined and really focus on my training. During lockdown, I have managed to keep my training up, and even increase the amount of training I was doing.

It has been really good to see a lot of improvement in my times, and my overall running. With any luck I will get the chance to run some official PBs in September, but we shall have to see. If not, then winter training it is, with even better things to come next year.

I have recently enjoyed my first training session back on a track at the new stunning blue track at Pingles Stadium, and am looking forward to more sessions each week, and even better if I can get back to training at Stratford alongside my friends.



Christine and Peter Coote.

Life without Track and Field

Peter and Christine Coote.

As the ‘older’ backbone of sprinting, jumping, and throwing in the Vets League team for the last five years, we have used Lockdown to change our approaches to our fitness.

Peter: Five years of sprinting and jumping using a body that was not designed for it has given me some great memories and achievements but also some ongoing and worsening injuries.

So, at the beginning of the year I decided to stop sprinting and jumping, and try running 5Ks alongside my throwing (not the most natural pairing). My first couple of park runs, where I struggled to get under 30 minutes, made me realise how much aerobic fitness I had lost.

Christine: There are somethings you should not be doing as you approach pension age, and learning to high jump is one of them! Last year I managed to get whiplash landing on the hard high jump bed and that triggered a succession of related problems including vertigo, and stopped pretty much all exercise. So, coming into this year, I was just looking forward to regaining some fitness. But that got a bit delayed as I spent New Years Eve having an emergency appendicectomy!

Peter: Luckily Christine recovered just in time for us to fly off in late January for a wonderful six week holiday in South America, returning just at the start of the pandemic. Following the worried advice of our children, we went pretty much straight into social isolation.

Christine: Our South American holiday gave me a great opportunity to start back on the road to fitness, although the high altitude in Peru at the start of our holiday triggered my vertigo. With Lockdown, I initially did a variety of online exercise classes and gradually got stronger and more confident as the previous 6 months had really knocked my confidence of ever getting fit again.

Peter: In March I started running 5ks three times a week from the Sports Club – I had never realised that Banbury Road had a hill in it! One of my sons had bought me a Garmin watch for Christmas and from an initial ‘what am I meant to do with that?’ I admit that I am now a Strava addict, with regular prompts from my Strava ‘stalker’, Pete Sugden.

Every run is now followed by a quick download and review of how I did – a familiar pattern of steady improvement followed by plateauing and occasional deterioration has since emerged.

Christine: With Peter running from the Sports Club, in mid-March I started going with him, doing my own version of ‘Couch to 5K’.

Unlike sprinting where the adrenaline floods in to mask the pain until afterwards, my initial trots around the Rec and then Banbury and Shipston Roads gave me plenty of opportunities to reflect on the various parts of my body that were hurting!

Peter: Alongside my running I have started cycling seriously for the first time in my life, initially on an elderly but capable hybrid, and then on a brand-new road bike.

I am now cycling 150-200km a week, across three or four rides, and am enjoying it immensely. As we live in Loxley, every ride involves hills and there are some days when I struggle to get off the bike at the end of a ride. But, alongside my running, it is doing wonders for my waistline and I have lost over 10kg since Christmas.

Christine: As I grew up in London, I never learnt to ride a bike until later in life and have never been a confident cyclist. However, with Peter, my ‘duracell bunny’, taking to two wheels I have dragged out my old mountain bike and gone out with him for a few rides. It all seemed a lot harder that it should be until I had my bike serviced and found out that everything that could be out of adjustment was! Now, riding a much refurbished bike, I am almost enjoying it!

Peter: With the Shakespeare competition going virtual, I took the opportunity to try out some longer distances. Yes, 10k is twice as far as 5k, but to me it feels at least three times further. But it is great to get some sense of competition against others and myself. I have already done my 4 mile run and 5 mile ride this month and am thinking about the Mayors Mile. Chris and I have also restarted doing 400m interval runs and are both benefitting from our improved aerobic fitness.

Christine: When I competed in the 100m in my first Vets League match 5 years ago it was my first competitive race since I was a thirteen-year-old schoolgirl. Until now, I had never run a competitive race over 400m, but now I have! I have just competed the 4 miler, managing to run all the way round, and maybe I will run my first ever competitive mile this month!

Peter and Christine: They say that, as you get older, you need to focus on being healthy first and fit second, and that is how we are approaching Lockdown and whatever comes after it. We are not expecting to be back, competing on the track until well into next year, if then, but we have enough running, cycling, and walking to do to keep ourselves healthy and fit. Just like you all, we miss our family and friends, and that has been the hardest part of Lockdown.

Stay Safe! x

Tim and Fin Hutchinson.

Team Hutchinson.


It’s been great as always being part of the club, it’s been great to see all of the training and the progress being made, it’s been great to see the virtual Shakespeare races evolve.

When lockdown began and I was working from home, I made plans of how my day’s and week’s would play out. Obviously training was going to increase with being able to start early and therefore finish early. This is going to be different but a good different…… I thought!

However, it hasn’t seemed to work out that way. I’m so used to living to a timetable at work that suddenly wasn’t there. So instead of finishing early and getting out training I just worked longer.

Each week I started afresh with the intention of running Mon-Thur and then Sat & Sun, it seemed to be more like Mon-Tues and then petered out a bit with maybe another run towards or at the weekend.

It’s been a bit of a mojo yo-yo you could say!

Since the relaxing of restrictions it has got easier with us now being able to plan to meet up with friends. This has also meant running different routes in different areas to share the travel rather than just running the same routes around town.

I have found that I’m enjoying running for just running, as opposed to going out for a training session and running like I usually do!

Roll on the new ‘normal’ and knowing what’s around the corner.

Fin’s perspective;

Lockdown has been very different and taken a while to get used to for me, I have also struggled to get a huge amount of routine or structure to my training although I have enjoyed the freedom of doing activities as and when I want to.

I’ve found myself enjoying doing a lot more mountain biking and exploring new routes in the area. Dad and I have joined in a few of Rob’s virtual training sessions either on a Monday or Wednesday as well as doing a few video messenger sessions doing core and circuits with Alex A.

The most challenging part has been the lack of structure and routine to the week of track sessions on Tuesday and Thursday and hills on a Sunday, it seems all of the days blend into one.

It’s been hard as well not seeing my friends at track or hills too, although that’s getting easier now with the lifting of restrictions.

I’ve now (finally) downloaded an app on my phone for doing core, press ups, sit ups and the like which is giving me targets to aim for which is good.

One of the best bits of lockdown was joining Dad on the last part of his ‘backyard ultra’ where I ran 7 miles with him. I think the neighbours thought we’d gone mad! Dad certainly had!

Edie’s perspective.

After her first year of uni and concentrating on her studies (so she tells us!) she has made a start on C25K. She probably doesn’t need to start with C25K but I think she’s enjoying the structure of the training plan for her to stick to. Watch this space………

Louise Stewart.
Louise Stewart.

It’s been hard to maintain motivation during lockdown especially as I had a pretty full race calendar which has all been cancelled.

It has brought home to me how much my week revolves around Monday track, Wednesday social and Saturday off road runs. Not just a balanced running programme but a chance to enjoy time with friends.

The introduction of virtual races has given me some focus other than my plan of running every day, to mark the break between some fairly intensive day job stuff and moving into the evening.

I’ve been able to build up my low aerobic base although I need to get back to some anaerobic training, as my pace is slipping.

Two virtual events I’ve been part of are the Centurion One Community event, where I was pleased to hit my first 50 mile week (including adding in a personal challenge to run from home, round the Arden Way and back again – a total of 35 miles).

I’m also currently participating in #GVRAT (great virtual race across Tennessee, 1026km across the state from 1st May – 31st August). I’m currently in position 6650 out of >19000 participants, scheduled to reach the end in early August.

I’m looking forward to be able to safely return to running with colleagues.

Stay safe everyone!
