After Coronavirus broke out I was able to make it home after a few travel false starts.
During most of the lockdown I was luckily given permission to use the school fields at Thomas Jolyffe, my old primary school and I was able to hop over the back fence of my house to train.
With this I was able to complete various different sessions based around circuits and some speed work as well as the occasional long jump session. I had to take off a long way before the normal take off board because it’s only designed for primary school children and I was jumping out of the pit!
Fortunately we were eventually able to get back on to a track at Leamington and get back to the real work with hopes of competing at the British championships.
After some good sessions back on the track with Paul Bearman I was feeling back to where I wanted to be and it was around this time that I got the invite to compete at the British Championships for the hurdles.
Unfortunately the timing didn’t work out and I will not be able to compete as I took the opportunity to make the trip back to the U.S.
However, the few weeks I had back training with our training group, with the support and commitment made by Paul, Carolyne, Sandy, as well as all the other coaches, gave not just me but everyone at the club the chance to get back doing what they love.
I’m sure you’ll be kept in touch with all the new things I’m experiencing as I keep Paul up to date.
All the best